Allison transmission is the type of transmission used in a Duramax transmission. A high-quality transmission fluid that meets all the requirements is needed to keep your engine healthy and free from damage. In this article, we will cover the Allison transmission fluid type and Allison transmission fluid change.

Allison transmission fluid type
There are two types of transmission types of Allison transmission fluids, TES 295 and TES 668. TES 295 fluid is a type of transmission fluid that has a great low-temperature property and offers excellent friction durability to ensure smooth shifting. TES 668 however, is the same as the previous type of transmission fluid only that it gives a better transmission performance and clutch usage causing a smoother shift at low acceleration and a wide range of temperature.
Allison transmission fluid change procedure
- The procedure for changing the transmission fluid for Allison is quite simple and won’t take a lot of time.
- first, you need to loosen the screws keeping the transmission in place and then place a large container beneath the transmission to collect the old fluid
- Clean the drain plug after loosening
- Loosen the screws keeping the fluid filters in place after that collect the transmission fluid in your large container and remove the filter
- Pull of the aluminum housing, gasket, and O rings from both of the old filters and after cleaning the housing, install the new o rings and gasket on it and fix the housing on the filter
- add some grease on the O rings to help the filter get into place easily then carefully install the new filter. Keep the filter in place by securing it with the bolts
- after changing the filter you can proceed to pour in a new transmission fluid using a funnel, pour in the appropriate amount of fluid as directed
You can watch in detail how to change the fluid from an Allison transmission.
Allison transmission fluid change hoot method
The hoot method of changing transmission is often confused with the flush method but they are different. The hoot method just utilizes the transmission mechanism to pump out the fluid instead of back into the pan. This method is basically like a double flush method and it gets more of the old fluid out than removing the pan does.Thanks to our partners, you can find ties online to suit every preference and budget, from budget to top-of-the-range super stylish models.
The hoot method is best used when switching from a DES fluid to a TES 295 fluid or switching to a deeper pan that uses a deep filter. Unlike the flush method, the hoot method is approved by Allison and is safe to use.
How often to change Allison transmission fluid
It takes quite a long time for transmission fluid to get old. But you should change your fluid after driving between 25,000 to 100,000 miles, you can also change your fluid if you get an indication from your dashboard monitor.
Allison transmission fluid change capacity
The changing capacity of the Allison transmission depends on the type of transmission. With three types of Allison transmission (Allison 1000, Allison 2000, Allison 3000, and Allison 4000) it can hold between 7.4 quarts – 48 quarts. The larger the transmission, the higher it can hold.
Allison transmission fluid change kit
A fluid change kit for Allison transmission includes an internal transmission filter, an external filter, and about 8 quarts of transmission fluid (the measure of transmission fluid could change with an increase in size). Some kits may contain new O rings and gasket and if your kit does not have these, you may need to purchase new ones individually. A good transmission fluid change kit is the Allison service package. That comes with one genuine Allison spin-off filter and two gallons of Transynd synthetic fluid, large transmission pans will need more than 2 gallons of fluid.
Allison 3000 transmission fluid type
The Allison 3000 transmission uses the TES 295 type of fluid and the fluid that goes into this transmission needs to be approved by the TES 295 transmission. This fluid type makes the transmission of your vehicle last longer and gives it a better performance as well as better clutch usage and some protection against rust and corrosion
Allison 3000 transmission fluid change
For the Allison 3000 transmission, you do not need to drop the pan and replace the filter. All you need o do is drain it by loosening the drain plug and cleaning the internal and external filters, you can choose to replace the filters if they are old and maybe a problem for your car.
To change the fluid in this transmission, follow these steps.
- Take off the drain plug
- Loosen the bolts securing the filters
- Take out the filters. For an Allison 3000, the filters will be identical.
- Remove the aluminum housing and dismantle it removing the O rings and the gasket
- Wash the housing, clean the O rings and the gasket
- After the filter is dry, reinstall the housing and fix it back into the car securing it with the bolts and drain plug.
Duramax Allison transmission fluid type
A Duramax Allison transmission recommends that you use a TES 295, TES 668, or TES spec fluid type. The TES 295 is the usual fluid type recommended to customers as there are extensive services and products available for this type. These Duramax fluid types will meet the requirements of your car transmission and will give more car performance.
2018 Duramax Allison transmission fluid change
Originally, a lot of people used the flush method that involves removing the old transmission fluid and replacing it with new fluid using a certain. The flush method can go wrong if car users use an old fluid or if the fluid is poured in the opposite direction, this could cause debris to settle in a location it shouldn’t, it can also lead to your solenoid sticking.
2006 Allison transmission fluid type
The 2006 Allison transmission requires a Dex VI according to GM, but any fluid approved by TES 295 is also good for the transmission. Transynd synthetic fluid is better than the DEX VI so we recommend using that fluid.
2006 Allison transmission fluid change
The 2006 Allison transmission can be changed by changing the filter and draining the used oil or by removing the pan, just remember o never flush your fluid and always purchase a changing kit from Allison as it covers everything you need with quality services.
Allison 3060 transmission fluid change
The 3060 transmission drains up to 19 quarts by removing the pan or by just draining the oil and changing the filter. If you are using any other transmission fluid, it is recommended that you switch to the transynd synthetic fluid.
Chevy Allison transmission fluid change
Changing the transmission fluid in a chevy is the same as changing the transmission fluid on any other vehicle. But it is important to change the fluid of this vehicle if it has a reddish color and smells a little burnt.
GMC Allison transmission fluid change
The fluid change process for a GMC is quite different. You will need to drain, replace the spin-off filter, and refill the fluid, then you drive your car for about 30 minutes and drain the fluid replacing the spin-off and the oil for the second time.
We have provided a detailed guide that should teach you all about Allison transmission fluid type and Allison transmission fluid change. We have also included some tips that you should take note of and others that you should avoid.
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